

This is a jQuery plug-in that makes HTML form elements read-only.



Include jquery-form-readonly after jQuery library.

<script src="//"></script> <!-- jQuery -->
<script src="//"></script> <!-- jquery-form-readonly -->

Enable read-only

Please call .formReadonly() method.


You can apply this method for any jQuery elements.


The following elements contains in jQuery elements is to be processed.

Element Type
input text, password, checkbox, radio, file
textarea N/A
select N/A


You can specify following options.

Option Type Description Default value
multipleSeparator string, element, etc… Separator of multiple value ’, ‘
passwordMaskChar string Character of password mask ‘*’
passwordMaskLength number Fixed length of password -1 (not fixed)
useLabel boolean Use label when presented by checkbox or radio false
includesReadonly boolean Includes read-only form elements to target false
includesDisabled boolean Includes disabled form elements to target false
excludes function(p1) Function to exclude form elements null

Sample code:

  multipleSeparator: $('<br>'),
  passwordMaskChar: '#',
  passwordMaskLength: 16,
  useLabel: true,
  includesReadonly: true,
  includesDisabled: true,
  excludes: function ($elm) { return ($elm.prop('type') === 'radio'); },

Cancel read-only

Specifying false for the argument cancels read-only.



The jquery-form-readonly is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.